311 Market St., Kingston, PA. US nutrifitness.georgette@gmail.com

Bootcamp GamesBootcamp WorkoutsFitness Bootcamp MarketingFitness Business Revenue Streams

Free BootCamp Game Day Workout and Strategy You Can Implement Now!

 BootCamp Game Day Workout and Strategy You Can Implement Now!


Try this workout in your boot camp tomorrow! This is a killer workout that your boot camp members will love to hate! If you grew up the 80s, you remember there was this electronic device called “Simon.” )

If you decide to modify the workout, make sure to be mindful of the first few exercises as those are the ones that get repeated the most.


In order to bring out a little competition amongst the members, have a couple of small prizes such at $5 Starbucks gift cards or something of equal value.


Simon the 80s Game


Build it “Up” each time. Do number 1 and then 50X jump ropes or 2 sprint. Do 1, then 2 and 50X jump ropes or 1 sprint. 1, 2, 3 then 50X ropes or 1 sprint. Build all the way up in this format.


1.Simon Says: 20X Bicycle Crunches (2=1)

2. Simon Says: 20X Mountain Climbers (2=1)

3. Simon Says: 10X Turkish Get Ups (5 each side)

4. Simon Says: 8X DB wood chops low to high (both sides, heavy DB!)

5. Simon Says: 10X Side Hip Thrusts (each side)

6. Simon Says: 15X DB Rear Lateral Raises

7. Simon Says: 10X Box Jumps

8. Simon Says: 10X Skaters (2=1)

9. Simon Says: 15X Single Leg Squats (per leg)

10. Simon Says: 20X Ball Slams

11. Simon Says: 20X Crunchy frogs

12. Simon Says: 10X Squat Thrust Jumps

 I also wanted to give you something from the bonuses of Boot Camp Game Day.

After working with boot camp owners and group trainers, I have found that so many trainers try to overcomplicate the business part. I often find myself giving advice to the trainers I advise over the phone to go back to the basics in order to make something work again. I learned that the basics always work in business. You just have to be consistent in using them!


For example, you must constantly remind your clients that you reward members who give referrals. You do this because they are not thinking about giving referrals. On day one, if you remind them that you are a referral based business, they will be more likely to give them to you, especially when they are fresh in your boot camp. In fact, I created a sign just above the entrance door to the studio to remind them. See it here:


 photo 2

As you see, I remind them that every referral gives them $50 and I also remind them that the best ways to get referrals are: get results because people will ask you what you are doing, check-in on Facebook, and simply invite their friends when talking to them. We have seen a huge increase in people referring us since putting these sign in. While it drives my assistant crazy that people bring their friends to work out with us without an assessment or appointment, I am secretly just fine with it because they are referring us!


 Boot Camp Game Day are workouts that we regularly use at least once a week. We use them because they break up how we do the classes, but in a fun, exciting, and challenging way. The nice thing is, they are easily modifiable to fit your exact needs if you need to change how I have presented them, or just plug and play! My retention of clients is so much better than any other group fitness class around because we are always fresh with exciting workouts. Every testimonial we have ever received mentions this fact. If you can just get one new member due to the new workouts you implement, then Boot Camp Game is well worth the value many times over!

Get it now at its special price:“Boot Camp Game Day.”


 –You can check how to run a Bootcamp Game Day + limited time exclusive discount and Bonuses :Save 50% on Boot Camp Game Day

Any trouble with the link above…try this one BootCampGameDay but grab this at the discount NOW!

 Also check out the Coin Flip Workout HERE: http://THEFITNESSBOOTCAMPCLUB.COM/how-to-instill-fun-in-your-boot-camp/


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