311 Market St., Kingston, PA. US nutrifitness.georgette@gmail.com

fitness bootcampFitness BusinessFitness Business Revenue Streams

How to Create more Leverage in your Fitness Business

Here are a handful of ways you can create more leverage
in your business:

1. Leverage your space by offering your highest return
programs at peak hours and by finding ways to make use
of every possible hour you can.

2. Leverage your programming by teaching it to other people
to deliver more service or by creating information products
to sell to more people.

3. Leverage your network to generate more referrals, to
open doors for public speaking or networking, to get
corporate opportunities or to launch youth programs.

4. Leverage your time by delegating low return activities
to staff and outsourcing where you can so you can focus
on your high return tasks.

5. Leverage your clients by offering workshops, nutrition
coaching, accountability programs, Prograde and Meal

Honestly though – the simplest and probably the best
leverage opportunity for fitness pros is group based training.

Call it what you want – bootcamps, group personal training,
metabolic resistance training classes – I don’t care.  Whatever
you call it, group training allows you to reach more people
during peak times, earn more per hour, charge a lower fee
per session yet still generate more profit…it’s pretty much
a gold mine.

Now you can test drive the best group training / bootcamp product
on the market – B3: Bootcamp Business Builder – for just $1. click here Bootcamp Business Builder

oh If you are interested in starting a youth fitness camp  

For the next 72 hours you can get the IYCA Kid Fit Camp course for 50% off the normal price.

Launch your own youth fitness camp here: KidsFitCamp



Create more Leverage in your Fitness Business

by Ed Yourdon under CC BY-SA  with wpseopix.com
Create more Leverage in your Fitness Business


If you are not running some type of bootcamp program go to http://thefitnessbootcamp.com and get one started for the New Year:)




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