311 Market St., Kingston, PA. US nutrifitness.georgette@gmail.com

Fitness Bootcamp MarketingFitness BusinessFitness Business Revenue Streams

How To Give Your Bootcamp Clients More of What They Want

How To Give Your Bootcamp Clients More of What They Want and Get More of What You Need…MONEY!

By Justin Yule, BS, CPT, MTE, FMS

Creator of Client Cash Machine


I’m going to make this short, sweet and to the point because you’ve got to get down to business with what I’m about to tell you…


Look, your clients are NOT just coming to you to get a great bootcamp workout.  No matter how good you are, the fact remains that your bootcamp workout 3 days or so per week aren’t going to make that much of a difference for your clients if they’re screwing up the other 165 hours per week.


You see it all the time.  Some of your clients are getting great results, while others just seem to go nowhere?


Why is that?


Without getting into the depths of hormones, stress response, genetics and all that, the difference is ENGAGEMENT during the hours they’re not with you.


Most of the clients who are getting great results are doing much more than just your bootcamp workouts.  They’re paying more attention to their nutrition or maybe even working with a coach.  They’re taking supplements.  They’re reading books and blogs, chatting in forums and on Facebook.  Maybe they joined a weight loss challenge at work.


So, here’s my ultimate question for you?


Are you making extra money on all those things or are you still just collecting your monthly bootcamp dues?


Hey, I’ll be the first to say it – EFT is king.  You gotta have a strong recurring EFT each month if you want to have a stable business.  BUT, if you want to truly become profitable and not have to constantly focus on getting more and more bootcamp clients you need to start focusing on CLIENT VALUE.


If you’re charging $149/month for your bootcamp is that your average client value?


It sure as heck better not be if you want to make the big bucks.


Every wealthy person knows that you don’t make money from just one source; it takes multiple sources of income to get rich!


So, where am I going with all this?


Simple.  You need to set up multiple sources of income in your bootcamp!


Think of all the ways you can BETTER SERVE YOUR CLIENTS…


YES!  I said better serve your clients.  This isn’t about extracting money from them.  It’s about finding ways to give them more of what they want/need and making a profit.  That’s a true win-win!


So, here’s a simple assignment for you:


  • List all the ways you can help your clients get better results.
  • Turn each one of those ideas into a product/program you can sell to your clients.
    • TIP:  Be sure to look at affiliate programs you can join.  A lot of the time the work has already been done for you!
    • Set-up a marketing calendar for the next 12 months and plug those product/programs in


That’s really all it takes.  Before you know it, you’ll have increased hour monthly revenue by 10, 20, even 50%!


By the way, if you want an incredible done-for-you resource filled with 7 of my latest and greatest back-end revenue generators check out my newest program Client Cash Machine.  You’ll love it!!

 In it, you get 7 done-for-you workshops, challenges
and back-end programs you can plug into your training
business to generate an extra five-figures of income over
the next 12 to 24 months, including…

1.  21-Day Detox Challenge

2.  28-Day Transformation Challenge

3.  Back-to-School Transformation Challenge

4.  Blood Sugar Workshop

5.  Holiday Survival Workshop

6.  Kettlebell Workshop

7.  Metabolic Makeover

Check out The Client Cash Machine HERE

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Justin Yule, BS, CPT, MTE, FMS

President & Chief Fitness Officer,

Chanhassen Fitness Revolution

Fitness Business Coach & Referral Partner Manager,

Fitness Consulting Group


Justin Yule is the President & Chief Fitness Officer of Fitness Revolution in Chanhassen, MN.  He also serves fitness professionals worldwide as a business coach and the content manager of the Virtual Fitness Mastermind.  Justin recently created a done-for-you resource full of proven profit centers that clients love.  Check out his Client Cash Machine HERE.

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