311 Market St., Kingston, PA. US nutrifitness.georgette@gmail.com

Bodyweight Workoutsbootcamp circuitsBootcamp exercise IdeasBootcamp Exercisesbootcamp workoutsGroup TrainingKettlebell Workoutsnew bootcamp ideasSmall Group Training WorkoutsWorkouts-Programming

HIIT BLITZ Program   Below you will find link to a 4-week progressive HIIT BLITZ Program. That’s 16 total workouts; plus there are three bonus workouts, two of which are body-weight. The main workouts do require kettlebells or dumbbells. You… Continue Reading…

bootcamp circuitsBootcamp exercise Ideasbootcamp workoutsBootcamp Workoutsnew bootcamp ideas

The Big Five ‘55’ Workout, AMRAP Day Workout and More! Georgette Pann  Creator of Smartfitproworkouts and the Bootcamp Career Bundle     Big Five ‘55’ Workout The protocol is that you would do 10 reps of each exercise, then go… Continue Reading…

bootcamp circuitsBootcamp exercise Ideasbootcamp workoutsGroup Trainingnew bootcamp ideasSmall Group Training WorkoutsWorkouts-Programming

Bodyweight + Dumbbell Metabolic Circuits By Sarah Rippel Author of “Home Program Design Mastery,” “The Ultimate Group Training System,” “Build ‘N Burn 2.0,” & “Build ‘N Burn”     I decided to take things outdoors after almost a decade of… Continue Reading…

Bootcamp challengesBootcamp exercise IdeasBootcamp Exercisesbootcamp workoutsBootcamp Workoutsnew bootcamp ideas

The Goblet Squat Partner Challenge by Leon Melnicenko     What is your favorite lower body exercise?   For me, it’s the Goblet Squat because it’s easy to perform and highly effective. Let’s look at some of the benefits, and… Continue Reading…

Bodyweight Workoutsbootcamp circuitsBootcamp exercise IdeasBootcamp Workoutsbootcamp workoutsnew bootcamp ideas

The Best Musical Bootcamp Finishers    Song finishers (aka musical bootcamp finishers) are fun drills that you can use to add more variety to your group fitness classes.  So, what is a song finisher, and how can you use them… Continue Reading…

bootcamp circuitsBootcamp exercise IdeasBootcamp ExercisesBootcamp GamesBootcamp Workoutsbootcamp workoutsGroup Trainingnew bootcamp ideas

5 Ways to add more FUN to your Fitness Classes     If there’s one thing I’ve learned from being in the fitness industry for over 30 years, it’s this.   The more enjoyable your classes are, the longer your… Continue Reading…


