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MRT Dumbbell HIIT Workout

MRT Dumbbell HIIT Workout

 by Funk Roberts, AB and Core Bundle For Fit Pros


Metabolic Resistance Training (MRT) is one of the best strategies for helping build lean muscle while torching unwanted fat and improving your overall fitness at the same time.

MRT is a term used to cover various combinations of intense and efficient cardiovascular and muscular training protocols.

MRT is a high-volume form of training that works a large muscle group or the whole body, resulting in a high exercise cost by burning a large amount of calories during and after while producing many metabolic effects on the body and building muscle.

Ultimate Dumbbell HIIT
Workout Perform each exercise for 40 seconds of work followed by 20 seconds rest one after for 3 straight rounds.

1. Alternating Single Floor Chest Press to Triceps Extensions
2. Dumbbell Jump Squats to DB Cleans
3. Staggered Triple Row to Power Lat Raise Right
4. Staggered Triple Row to Power Lat Raise Left
5. Alternating Single Hammer Curl to Double Curl
6. Goblet 3 Way Lunges
7. DB Burpees
8. Loaded Dead Bug




Check out Funk’s programs for Fit Pros here:

Ab and Core Bundle for Fit Pros20 Done for You COMPLETE Workout PROGRAMS!

 HIIT Bundle

Trainer Bundle 2.0

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