311 Market St., Kingston, PA. US nutrifitness.georgette@gmail.com

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“Tri-Force Havoc Training” Workout

“Tri-Force Havoc Training” Workout

 by Funk Roberts, AB and Core Bundle For Fit Pros



This workout is  challenging and will get you results whether you are looking for strength, power, cardio, conditioning, muscle building, fat loss and all the physical attributes you need when trying to get as fit as possible.

That is because my Kettlebell Khaos workouts uses a method called “Tri-Force Havoc Training” is designed to train 3 different modalities in one workout.

This helps to prolong your bodies adaption so that you can continuously challenge your muscles to grow, increase overall strength & endurance, burn fat while increasing your cardiovascular system and get results fast.



In this ultimate kettlebell workout you will combine 3 different workout protocols into one ultimate kettlebell workout called Kettlebell Khaos


Kettlebell Khaos Workout


Round 1 – Complex

Perform each exercise one after the other for 5 reps each starting with one side and then repeat for the other side/arm.

Continue for 10 minutes straight.

KB Push Ups

KB Rows

KB Deadlift

KB Clean

KB Racked Squat

KB Press



Round 2 – Metabolic Circuit

Perform each exercise for 40 seconds of work followed by 20 second rest oner after the other for 2 straight rounds

KB Snatch

Kb Goblet Squat and Reverse Lunge

KB Alternating Single Arm Swings

KB Cross Body Clean

KB Swing to Squat



Round 3 – Ladder Finisher

Perform burpees and swing in a ascending and descending ladder format starting with 1 KB Swing and 7 Burpees

KB Swings 1-2-3-4-5-6-7

Burpees 7-6-5-4-3-2-1





Check out Funk’s programs for Fit Pros here:

Ab and Core Bundle for Fit Pros20 Done for You COMPLETE Workout PROGRAMS!

 HIIT Bundle

Trainer Bundle 2.0

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