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Five Nutrition Tips Your Bootcamp Trainees Need to Know

Five Nutrition Tips Your Bootcamp Trainees Need to Know

Georgette Pann


No matter what type of bootcamp you’re offering, you need to talk to your trainees about nutrition.  That’s because whether they achieve the results they want largely rests on what they’re eating.  If they hit McDonalds to grab a Big Mac after class, they’re just not going to get the results they’re seeking.  And they might blame you.


That means you need to offer nutritional instruction on day one of your bootcamp.  You can give a brief lecture and hand out an information sheet. Or you can set aside an hour and give a seminar.


Obviously, the exact nutritional instructions you give your trainees depends on your specialized bootcamp and trainees’ goals. 


For example, your weight-loss trainees will need to reduce their calorie intake – through a combination of diet and exercise – by 500 calories per day to lose about one pound per week. 


On the flip side: If you’re training athletes who want to get bigger, then they’ll need to increase their calories so that they’re eating roughly 500 calories per day more than they need in order to put on about a pound per week.


Regardless of your trainees’ goals, they can all benefit from following these five nutritional guidelines:


  • Drink plenty of water. The typical recommendation is 8 glasses per day for the average person. However, not many people drink enough water in a day. And athletes need even more.  Instruct your trainees to drop sodas, sugary juices and similar drinks in favor of water.


  • Eat close to nature.  Generally, the less a food is processed, the healthier it is.  So a fresh chicken breast is better than a processed chicken patty.  Fresh vegetables are better than canned.  Brown rice is better than highly processed white instant rice.


Also, eating close to nature means cutting out the processed, packaged sweets.  Tell your trainees to avoid eating foods with sugar.  If they have a sweet tooth, encourage them to eat fresh fruit instead. For example, a bowl of raspberries mixed with a tablespoon of natural peanut butter makes a delicious (yet healthy) snack.


  • Eat multiple smaller meals.  Tell your trainees that instead of eating three big meals per day, they can break up those three meals into equal portions and eat six meals per day. 


Doing so gives the body a constant flow of nutrition and energy.  Plus, dieters will enjoy the metabolic boost.


  • Find a good balance.  The three main macro-nutrients include good fats (like peanuts or flax), protein (like chicken breast or egg whites) and carbs (like rolled oats or whole wheat bread).  Your trainees need to create meals with a specific balance of these macro-nutrients.  A good starting point is 40% protein, 40% carbohydrates and 20% essential fatty acids.


  • Eat slow-burning carbs.  Finally, your trainees will feel better during their workout and all through the day if they stick to slow-burning carbs, such as rolled oats, brown rice, vegetables and similar items.




Bottom line: While your bootcamps are extremely important to your trainees’ overall fitness levels, what they do in their kitchens is just as important. Be sure to point them in the right direction by giving them nutritional guidance.

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Another interesting article from your blog 🙂 When will it stop….hopefully never

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