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Apartment Complex BootCamp System

How to Start a Start an Apartment Complex Boot Camp

Greg Justice

I believe it was Ben Franklin that said, “Opportunity is everywhere.”  That’s especially true in the fitness industry, just look at all the different programs and ways we put those programs in front of our clients. 

Sometimes opportunity is right in front of us and we don’t even realize it, or we’re too afraid to pursue.

During the past thirty years, I’ve worked with individuals, corporations, associations and hospitals, developing fitness programs specific to their needs.  For efficiency sake, I enjoy working with groups, simply because you get more ‘bang for your buck’. 

I began working with apartment complexes back in the 1980’s.  I developed onsite fitness programming for residents that were safe, results-oriented and most of all, convenient. 

Apartment complexes and residential units of any kind are a concentrated area of people, very diverse in their needs, and lots of opportunity for you to organize and establish on-going fitness programs / boot camps, individualized training, walking programs, and other opportunities limited only by your imagination.

There are children, young adults, people who want to lose weight, people who want to gain muscle, people who just want to get or stay in shape, and the list goes on. All in one location, all ready for someone to step in and show them how.

Let that be YOU!

Here are some helpful tips to help you create an Apartment Complex Fitness Boot Camp Business.


Build Your Contact Base

First of all, decide what type of complex you want to deliver your service.  It can be a specialty complex like a 50+ complex, or a Singles complex.  You can even go to condominiums, Retirement communities or Office complexes. 

You can use Google to build your list of area complexes that you want to serve. 

Next, you need to find out if they have an activity director.  If so, send a questionnaire asking these questions:

  1. Do you have a gym?
  2. Is there currently a trainer working there?
  3. How do you communicate with residents?
  4. What type of programs do you offer your residents?

When you have this information, you can have a productive conversation to introduce your services.


Decide What Services You Want to Offer

Depending on the size of the apartment complex you will pretty much have your pick of activities. There will be a variety of interests from the residents that include:

  • A walking program, around the complex
  • A boot camp, outdoors or in their gym
  • Water aerobics, if they have a pool
  • Kid Kamp for the kids activities
  • Personal training sessions in the gym
  • Small groups at various times
  • Family Day, Saturday morning events and relays
  • Use your imagination, opportunity is everywhere


Larger apartment complexes will have an activity director. In some cases, the manager will wear that hat too. Some have a full schedule of activities for their residents and some hardly offer any. If you really want to get in there, and they don’t offer many activities, you can help motivate them.


Present Your Idea to Management

Each location will have someone different in charge. They will also have the usual people who like to think they are in charge. If you can’t present or talk directly with the parent company, then management will do fine. You’ve got to be able to press in until you reach a decision maker. Feel free to offer the gatekeeper free sessions for herself, and she will be more helpful to you.

Apartment complexes have activity directors in charge of filling up a calendar of events. Get in there. Offer a lunch and learn tour of the gym, on-line nutrition tour, etc.


Know Your Numbers

Make sure you know how many participants you need to break even.  How many do you need to make a profit? What will you give each participant who signs up and pays, a pedometer, a t-shirt? How much is that adding to your cost? Prize money?

Figure all your costs and make sure you build in enough profit to hire more trainers as needed and cover ALL of your costs, and put some money in your pocket.


Finalize the Details

  • Put your conversations in writing. A semi-formal letter stating who, what, when, where, and why. Include the how in detail.
  • Create a participant flyer/announcement. Make sure you have good distribution to the tenants, whether in newsletter, email, or drop at each door – you need to advertise it to them thoroughly.
  • Have handouts available about drinking water before, during & after, eating guidelines for before and after exercise.
  • Arrive 15 minutes early to set up and be available for questions and stay 15 minutes later to be available for questions and to clean up. Leave the area the same as it was when you arrived.


There you go, I’ve given you some basic instructions to help you jump start your Apartment Complex Fitness Boot Camp Business, now it’s up to you to make it happen.



You can grab The Entire Apartment Complex Boot Camp System 1.0 here only for 29.95



Here’s what’s in the system:

1. Complete instructions on how to set up and run an apartment complex program, step-by-step.

2.  Instructions and guidelines on finding the residential units you can work with and who to talk to at these locations.

3. Proposal example to the management of the apartment complex for permission to run your program.

4. Volunteers Wanted – Pilot Program Intro flyer to generate interest if no program has ever been done there before.

5. Volunteer Survey Sheet, one for after each of three initial sessions – information you will use to work with management to confirm the needs and desires of their tenants, as well as to design your boot camps.

6. Participant Flyer for an established program.



You can read more about it here http://THEFITNESSBOOTCAMPCLUB.COM/apartment-complex-fitness-boot-camp-system/

Greg Justice and Georgette Pann



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