311 Market St., Kingston, PA. US nutrifitness.georgette@gmail.com

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Utilizing Progressive Movement Technology™ For Faster Results In Your Fitness Business

Utilizing Progressive Movement Technology™ For Faster Results And More Success In Your Fitness Business
By Tyler Bramlett

I remember it like it was yesterday — my first ever training session with my first client — and I was extremely nervous. You probably remember your first client too, and how awkward it felt the first time you took all of your hard earned knowledge and finally unleashed it to the world.

A lot has changed since my first day, and what I managed to learn along the way is a unique perspective that guarantees consistent change in yourself and your clients…

Now, most people would argue with me and say, “There’s no way you can make continued change in a clients strength, health, and physique without hitting plateaus.”

A few years ago I would have agreed with you. However, after spending nearly a decade and 10’s of thousands of dollars on my education, I now know that there is a way. A very real way to give consistent progress to your clients.

And if there’s anything I know for sure, it’s that clients who get consistently good results week after week, month after month, and year after year…they stay, they pay, and they refer others to you.

How do I know this?

Because my high-end clients pay me an average of $1100/mo to train with me. Since discovering and implementing the techniques I’m about to share with you, I’ve not only never had to worry about making money, I’ve actually been turning people away!

I’ll spend the rest of this article teaching you the principals of what I call Progressive Movement Technology™ and how you can apply it in your training  to help your clients get the kind of amazing results that will help make your fitness business a massive success.

So what is Progressive Movement Technology™?

Progressive Movement Technology™ relies on the age old adage: Form Follows Function.

Think about this real life example. Who would have a better looking body?

A person who can do rapid fire jumping lunges, clap pushups, and explosive pullups

A person who can only do basic bodyweight squats, kneeling pushups, and light dumbbell rows

Obviously the first person would have a better body regardless of how old they were or what their nutrition was. So, how do you utilize this approach with your clients to get them the best results possible?

I’ve spent the last 10 years perfecting the use of progressive movement on myself and my clients, and now I’m able to boil it down to just two simple steps that you need to start using Progressive Movement Technology™ today.

Step #1 – Build A Foundation Of The Basics

Most people move on to intermediate and advanced exercises way to quickly. One of the keys I’ve found to transforming my clients is to narrow my focus to the Big-7 Movement Patterns.

Here’s a list of the 7 movements you must use with your clients if you want them to see real world change:

1) Squatting

2) Deadlifting

3) Core Stabilization

4) Pushing

5) Rowing

6) Pressing

7) Pulling

Building a strong foundation on the basics is the cornerstone of every training program I’ve ever created. The reason? Anything built on a weak foundation will eventually end up crumbling and falling. When that happens with your clients, they leave.

Once you master these basic movements, it’s time to put Progressive Movement Technology™ to work by following this next step…

Step #2 – Identify The Roadmap To Increased Movement Complexity

Progressive Movement is all about making exercises intrinsically harder. Rather than a simple focus on manipulating variables such as reps, sets, volume, and load, Progressive Movement Technology™ emphasizes increasing movement complexity.

Now, I’m not talking about these insane “functional training” exercises we see misinformed trainers doing at the gym with their clients standing on BOSU balls with pink barbie dumbbells doing useless exercises.

I’m talking about creating a specific series of real exercises that your clients can use to improve their strength, cardiovascular capacity, ROM, balance, and coordination.

Here’s how it works…

Start with the basic movements I highlighted above and design a series of more difficult variations for each of the exercises.

Once your clients master the basic exercises, change the exercises to the next one up the progression and focus on mastering them. Just make sure to start with the basics. Jumping in at a level your clients aren’t ready for is a recipe for injury and burnout… the key is in progression.

Here are examples of basic movement progressions for the upper body and lower body. Once you can do 3 sets of 10 reps (or whatever your rep preference is) on each (A) exercise, simply move on to the next variation (B, C, etc.) until you can again do 3 sets of 10 reps of the new exercise..


(A) Kneeling Pushups —–> (B) Regular Pushups  —–> (C) Clap Pushups

You can even break it down to more progressive movement steps like in the lower body example below…


(A) Bodyweight Squats  —–> (B) Jump Squats  —–> (C) One-Legged Assisted Squats  —–> (D) One-Legged Assisted Jump Squats

You can literally break down each of the 7 foundational movements into progressive exercise sequences just like I’ve done above. And, you can break each movement down into half a dozen or more steps if you want — making the progressions smaller and less noticeable.

From there, all you have to do is to simply focus on having your clients progress the ladder of movement complexity you’ve just laid out for them. You don’t have to worry about the goal of helping them achieving a better body…if they progress up the ladder of complexity, a better body is inevitable.

When you improve your clients strength and control over their bodies utilizing the 2 steps above, they will see a permanent change in the way they look, feel, and perform — guaranteed!

Think of it as a forced change based solely on the concept that form follows function. Plus, your clients, like mine, will thank you from the bottom of their hearts for being the only trainer they’ve ever seen that was able to transform their bodies with nearly ZERO risk for injury.

Before I give you my parting advice, ask yourself this question…

In the coming decade, as millions of trainers join the industry, what will you do that sets yourself apart?

By embracing the concepts of Progressive Movement Technology™ you’ll be far ahead of the pack and set yourself apart as the only trainer in your area known for consistently improving the lives of every client you take under your wing.

And the reputation you will build in the process will do more for your fitness business than anything else you’ve done to this point. Be a leader and show your clients you really care by delivering the best possible training you possibly can!

Here’s to your success!!


Wow! What an amazing article from Tyler about something I truly believe every trainer should have in their training toolbox.



 And If you don’t have a SYSTEM in place, then I highly recommend you check this out…

=> Smart Fit Pro Workouts (Use This With Your Clients)






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[…] Blog Talk Radio with Jesse Stoddard on BlogTalkRadio Article on Progressive Movement Technology http://THEFITNESSBOOTCAMPCLUB.COM/utilizing-progressive-movement-technology-for-faster-results-in-yo… Last Podcast http://THEFITNESSBOOTCAMPCLUB.COM/fbic-podcast-the-best-boot-camp-workouts/ […]

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