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Bands & Bodyweight Badassery!

Bands & Bodyweight Badassery!

By Sarah Rippel

Author of:

“Home Program Design Mastery”

“The Ultimate Group Training System”

“Build ‘N Burn 2.0,” & “Build ‘N Burn”




Band + Bodyweight Badassery Workout #1:


AMRAP 1 x 4 Minutes:

Miniband Mountain Climber x 10 (5/side)

Get-Up Sit-Up x 5

Drop Squat x 10


Rest 2 minutes, then…


AMRAP 2 x 4 Minutes:

Jumping Jacks x 15

Band-Resisted Push-Up x 5 (elevate hands to adjust)

Alternating V-Up x 10 or Regular V-Up x 10


Rest 2 minutes, then…


Start from the beginning & repeat!



Band + Bodyweight Badassery Workout #2:


AMRAP x 6 Minutes:

Bench Dip x 8 (straighten legs to increase difficulty)

Reverse Crunch x 8

Band Jacks x 30


Rest 2 minutes, then…


AMRAP x 6 Minutes:

Close-Grip Push-Up x 8

Band Alternating Rotational Row x 8/side

Skater Jump x 8 (4/side)


Rest 2 minutes, then…


AMRAP x 6 Minutes:

Band Press with Alternating Step x 8/side

Penguins x 8/side

Band Diagonal Chop x 8/side



Check out top level programming by Sarah Rippel :


Home Program Design Mastery plus Done for You programs,templates and more!











The Ultimate Small Group Training System”  The most Comprehensive Guide to Semi-Private and Small Group Training for Fit Pros.











Build N’ Burn  – Done For YOU 16 Wk Metabolic Group Training Program for Fit Pros











Check out The Done-for-You 12 week Build ‘N Burn 2.0 for Fit Pros:











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